Enhance Your Lead Generation with Insights from Leadinfo

Sushil Krishna June 10, 2024 0 Comments

How IP Tracking-Based Marketing Works

Location(IP)-based marketing gathers meta information of visitor and deliver targeted advertising. This method helps marketers understand the geographic location, company, which can be further en-riched with various other key data inputs; useful for qualification of intent and potential lead generation.

  1. Geo-Location:
    • IP addresses can be mapped to physical locations. This enables marketers to deliver location-specific content or advertisements.
  2. Firmographic Data:
    • For B2B marketing, IP addresses can often be linked to specific organizations or industries. This helps in targeting businesses rather than individual consumers.
  3. Behavioral Tracking:
    • Combining IP data with other behavioral data (e.g., pages visited, time spent on site) allows for more personalized marketing efforts.

Key Benefits:

  1. Targeted Advertising:
    • Ads can be tailored based on the user’s location or the company they work for, making them more relevant and effective.
  2. Improved Analytics:
    • Understanding where traffic is coming from helps in better analyzing marketing campaigns and understanding user demographics.
  3. Enhanced User Experience:
    • Content and offers can be personalized based on the user’s geographic location, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Leadinfo is a powerful tool that comes with full features for the location-based marketing to setup and execute efficiently. It helps B2B companies identify anonymous visitors to their websites and convert them into high-value leads. Here’s an overview of the key benefits and features of Leadinfo, with concrete examples of how it can improve your marketing and sales activities.

LeadInfo Lead View

What You Get out of LeadInfo

1. Real-Time Lead Generation

Why wait for incoming emails or filled-out forms? With Leadinfo, you can see in real-time which companies are visiting your website, providing a constant flow of opportunities and allowing you to quickly respond to interested prospects. Track the sales intent of visiting companies/accounts with help of tags. Tags are helpful to identify hot prospects based on key pages viewed or time spent on a high-value page. 

  • Use tags to track highly engaged propsects
  • Use tags to exclude customers from outreach or ads audiences
  • Crete automation to add a hot prospect (define what would make a prospect based web engagement) segment into a nurture campaign
  • Send warm prospect data directly to your CRM with task for sales team to check and reach out

2. Comprehensive Data and Integrations

Leadinfo matches IP addresses to a unique database, giving you access to valuable information such as company name, email address, LinkedIn profiles, and more. Additionally, Leadinfo integrates with over 100 CRMs and ERP systems, enabling you to seamlessly incorporate leads into your existing workflow. You integrate HubSpot and other CRMs to send leads directly in it or integrate Slack to notify your team about a highly engaged leads.

3. Understanding Visitor Behavior

In addition to identifying visitors, Leadinfo provides detailed insights into prospect behavior on your website. You can see which pages they visit, how long they stay, and what actions they take, allowing you to better address their needs.

4. Personalization and Follow-Up

With detailed data, you can personalize your marketing messages and optimize your sales discussions. Leadinfo allows you to offer a tailored experience to your prospects, significantly increasing your chances of conversion.

5. Segmentation and Marketing Automation

Leadinfo is also an excellent choice for companies looking to automate their marketing. With its advanced technologies, businesses can set up tags & segment visitors, targeted email campaigns, establish lead scoring, and use real-time visitor tracking to measure and improve their marketing performance.


Leadinfo Segmentation

 Implementation of LeadInfo

1. Marketing Use Cases

  • Automated Follow-Up: Suppose a company visits your product page multiple times. With Leadinfo, you can automatically send a follow-up email with more information or an invitation to a demo

Automation and campaigns in Leadinfo

  • Targeted Advertising: Use the collected data to create targeted ads on LinkedIn or Google Ads, specifically aimed at companies that have already shown interest


2. 14-Day Free Trial

Offer your clients the opportunity to try Leadinfo for free for 14 days. This allows them to discover the added value of the tool for their lead generation and sales.

 Successful Leadinfo Implementation

1. Easy Installation

Installing Leadinfo is simple and can be completed in two minutes by adding a small piece of JavaScript code to your website. This can be done via Google Tag Manager or a WordPress plugin.

2. GDPR Compliance

Leadinfo is fully GDPR compliant, ensuring that all data is processed securely and in accordance with privacy regulations.

3. Continuous Improvement and Support

Leadinfo works closely with its partners to continuously develop new features and improvements. This ensures you always benefit from the latest advancements in lead generation.

 Information Collected by Leadinfo

Leadinfo’s database is extremely extensive. Here are the details shared when visitors arrive on your website:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Number of employees
  • VAT and registration number
  • Financial situation (if known)
  • Industry
  • Website & Social media links

This way, you not only get enough company information but also their financial status and whether they have the budget for an investment.

Feel free to connect with us for free audit and advice. We are happy to showcase Leadinfo capabilities and setup a trial for you.


Start a Free Trial Today->

AboutSushil Krishna
Sushil - an Inbound and Growth Marketing lead, working with SMBs & tech-product businesses in designing & implementing Integrated Inbound Marketing and Sales roadmaps and Flywheel strategy for growth to empower the Customer-facing teams.
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